The video of a sudden brawl which broke out at a recent Football Association Cup 2016 (National Football League & Island Wide League Stage) match in Singapore has gone viral. The brawl was first brought to light by the captain of Singapore Armed Forces Sports Association (SAFSA), Syafiq Siraj.
His Facebook, as well as the video uploaded by him are no longer viewable to members of the public. But a cached copy of his post is still viewable.
Veteran sports journalist Suresh Nair also shared videos of the brawl in his Facebook.
Commenting on the incident, Mr Nair called the agitators “Singapore football gangsters”.
“Yes, this is NOT Anfield, Moscow or Ankara. This IS Gombak Stadium in Singapore!
In a FAS Cup tournament between SAFSA and Balestier. Unbearable to see!
The worst sickening Euro styled hooliganism and mob gangsterism are coming to town. If this is not curbed, football will go to the dogs. Unbelievable to imagine!
The FAS must come out strongly and (condemn) this rowdyism immediately for sports law and order to be restored in Singapore.
Shame, a big shame, if this is conveniently swept under the piling dirty carpets!
More irony to this farce: SAFSA comes from the highly-disciplined Armed Forces, where discipline is the key moral code. Balestier is managed by a prominent FAS Council Member, who is Chairman of FAS Competitions.
What’s happening? What’s happening? Are we going back to the football shameful era of the 1950s and 60s?
Thankfully, FAS General Secretary Winston Lee assured that “we’re looking into this serious matter”. Let’s get the whip cracking, without fear or favour, please!”
Both Siraj and his mother were sent to hospital and have made a police report.