An alleged insurance agent named Sean Lee used the death of Aloysius Pang to sell insurance and posted a series of Instagram stories to make his point. His insensitivity caused an outrage in the online community.
On January 24, Thursday, Sean Lee under his Instagram account @seanlw_y used the death of Aloysius Pang to promote his career as an insurance agent.

In case you missed it, he uploaded a picture of Aloysius with the caption: “Lol sorry I can’t grief for you because I really [don’t know] who the hell you are before the accident. Condolences to your family tho.” He adds, “But this serves as a reminder to everyone that accidents do happen. You can’t really avoid God’s plan so.. Get insured with me today before an accident leaves you dead with regret.”
In the next story he makes a few more remarks:
“Yes. I use death to sell insurance and I’m proud of it.”
“Society can judge but in my point of view, I’m just a person who will do whatever it takes.”
“So fuck you society. Are we not all human? Do we not get into accidents? Do we not die? Do we all not need insurance? YES WE DO.”
“I use unorthodox ways and means, but if I achieve results……WHATS IT TO YOU REALLY?”
“Trend me please. I’ll teach you that death is inevitable and we should all be prepared for it.”
“Famous person dies, whole country cries. My neighbour dies, no one gives a shit.”
“I speak the language no one likes to hear: The truth.”
Sean might be speaking the truth but he was definitely tactless when it came to delivering a message. He got what he wanted though and went viral, but for the wrong reasons.
It would seem that the flak he received for his posts got the better of Sean and he posted the following on his Facebook account this time.
“Hi guys. Yes it’s me. Would just like to clarify some stuff.
- I’m using the concept of death. Could be anyone. If I posted about my grandpa’s death I don’t think it would spark this kind of reaction, it just so happens that this guy’s famous.
- And yes I’m not an agent.
- I feel for his family and close friends and his girlf. It always sucks losing someone close to you. I do have empathy too.
- If you guys know me better, you’ll know that I care too much for people that I actually know. Can even cross the line by caring too much sometimes.
I’m not with any agency
And I’m really sorry this sparked so much drama.
Please stop twisting my words.
Sorry for everything
Have a great day ahead
This time, he added that he was not an insurance agent affiliated with any company and asked everyone to stop twisting his words even though the central theme of everyone’s comments was about being sensitive enough with his word choice.
An hour later, he posted another apology in his Facebook account which said:
“I’m sorry I was insensitive.
And I take back my words.
But was he really sorry? A netizen has posted via comment the following screenshot showing his conversation with Sean:

New Instagram account
After the whole incident, it is said that Sean made a new Instagram account under the name @seanlw_y_ and posted another apology which can be seen below:
The reactions
Almost everyone agreed that there was truth in what Sean said but it was how he said it that had a problem.

Meanwhile, TISG reached out to Sean for more insights and he clarified that he is not an insurance agent but only refers prospective clients to his friends.
In his words, “Even if my point was to bring across that accidents and death can happen to anyone of us, it was done at the wrong time and towards the wrong person. It was insensitive and I would like to apologize to his family, friends and girlfriend.”