Planes landing at Heathrow Airport amid stormy winds became the target of an engaging commentary, garnering millions of views online.”Go on then! Go on!” said British man Jerry Dyer in his video, urging a plane to make a landing.
Included in Dyer’s live stream was a plane from Singapore Airlines making a skilful landing, which got Dyer shouting, “Woaaaah! No way — the swing there.” His shouts were directed at the Boeing 777 SQ306 flight when the plane’s tail swung out upon touch down.

“Oh my god, I gotta be honest with you, man, when you’re sitting on an aeroplane, and it’s got that amount of sway, it’s just, just nuts, man. Absolutely nuts,” said Dyer. “It’s like you’re in a washing machine.”
Dyer handles the Big Jet TV YouTube Channel, which releases the content of planes landing at Heathrow Airport. His live stream video on Feb 18 went viral as the landing conditions pilots faced were intense due to Storm Eunice, thus prompting an even more engaging commentary by Dyer.
“Normally, the conditions are calm, and we have great shows we do for hours on end, people watching from all over the world,” said Dyer in an interview with BBC Radio 2.
“But right now, these conditions with 70mph (112.6km/h) gusting winds, it’s pretty intense. And what’s great is you get to see the skill of the pilot and how they manage to handle it.”
He added, “Big kudos to the pilots and the crews working at the airports.”

Other planes had to divert after failing to land on three attempts, Dyer noted.
“Many planes are having to abort their landings. It’s a bumpy ride; you have to think of all those folks who are on the aircraft,” he explained.
Right after each landing, Dyer would turn the camera back to the air to capture the next plane in line. At one point, at least three were in a queue to make a landing.

Twitter user Tom Hourigan tweeted on Feb 18 that 86,000 people were currently watching the Big Jet TV live stream.
The nearly eight-hour video has over 7.5 million views to date and over 2,700 comments from avid followers and those who discovered the channel thanks to the “immense livestream.”
“You’ve brought together so many people, from pilots to ultra avgeeks… to people with no interest in aviation but who were captivated by this,” commented a netizen.
Many also commended the pilots for their “unbelievable talent” showcased in the video.
“As someone who is terrified of flying, this whole stream has made me really appreciate the pilots and how much skill they have,” said another netizen. /TISG
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