Shaun Chen, a Malaysian actor and former badminton player based in Singapore shared on his social media account a picture of him happily donating blood. 

“Blood donation, please join me !!” the actor said. 

It turns out that Mr Chen’s blood donation initiative is actually an activity that he does every year on his birthday. 

One IG user, ‘@celeste_tai’, said in her comment: “Oops I about to wish you happy birthday 😂” .

This got a reply from another user, ‘@kitkatgosmile’, saying “You’re Right.. it seems to be a @shaunchenhongyu birthday tradition to donate blood . 👏😁”. 

Other supporters expressed their support by commenting with words of affirmation to Mr Chen for helping other people. Some also said that they will also donate blood soon. 


See also  WP's Jamus Lim, who donates blood at Anchorvale CC, praised for "leading by example"