Obbana Rajah

When Nora Rashidi’s father boarded the Grabcar of Moola Imran Yacoob, I’m sure he did not think that this driver would be the man to rush him to the hospital, possibly saving his life.

In her Facebook post, Nora shared details of how her elderly father suffered a heart attack after boarding Moola’s car.

When Moola tried talking to the man, he was unresponsive. He also did not answer his phone even though it rang twice. That led to Moola immediately reaching for Nora’s father’s phone and dialling the last number on her call list – hers.

Nora immediately asked Moola the driver to pick herself and her uncle up from a nearby location, so that they could call an ambulance for her father.

This is where Moola’s kind-heartedness shone through.

He offered to drive them to the nearby Changi General Hospital because it would be quicker than waiting for an ambulance.

See also  Grab rider tells his comrades, “Don’t be ashamed of your job! People will not put food on your table or pay your bills. Be proud of whatever you do!”

On the drive there, even though Nora’s father threw up in the car, Moola refused any sort of compensation or remuneration, saying that he was doing it “for God’s sake”.

Nora’s father happened to be one of the passengers Moola picked up during just his second week driving for Grabcar.

Sadly, Nora’s father passed on two weeks after the incident.

Moola told reporters, “I was saddened to hear Mr Rashidi had died…but I am glad I was able to offer my assistance to him.

Nora Rashidi’s post:
