The publication has reached out to Samsung regarding this case and has received the following reply:
“Our customer service team has been in touch with Ms. Teo to support her requests. Customer satisfaction is our top priority and we would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused to Ms. Teo and her family.”
Singapore – Whenever we make purchases from reputable brands, we automatically expect and assume great quality products; something worth our every cent. This wasn’t the case for Ms. Elaine Teo and her husband who recently purchased a brand-new Samsung refrigerator. Their freezer started producing ice even though it was a “no frost” model. Even their replacement unit had the same problem.
On August of last year, Ms. Elaine Teo and her husband purchased a brand-new Samsung refrigerator model RS68N8671B1/SS. Some of its features include a 3-door flex which helps save energy and keep food organised, twin cooling, and Samsung’s trademarked “FlexZone”, which is “an independently controlled compartment that allows you to customise temperature settings based on your storage needs.” After a week from delivery, the couple noticed a large amount of frost on the freezer area.
Having called Samsung’s customer support and going through some failed troubleshooting procedures, a Samsung Representative was sent to inspect the possibly defective unit. As if he possessed magical powers, the Samsung guy knew what was wrong even before he opened the refrigerator. It turns out he has already addressed a couple of the same units and they all had the same problem. “The freezer side of the refrigerator was warped outwards and the seals didn’t sit properly.”
Since the unit was still brand new, the couple got a replacement because it was highly impossible to straighten out the side of the refrigerator.
More than two months later, on December 5, they got their replacement which also had a crooked freezer side area. They tried to find a solution before the delivery men left but the latter merely said they couldn’t do anything since it was out of their area of responsibility.
The couple immediately called Samsung but was only advised to use the refrigerator and report back if there were any issues. They already knew that problems would occur because the door seal wasn’t properly closing on the freezer side.
They went for a short trip and came back to an icy freezer. Having repeated the whole process of getting a Samsung Representative to come and check the unit, the couple asked if they could change to a different model or get a refund. Samsung informed them that a refund was possible but they did not give a definite date as to when.
Relying heavily on a freezer, the couple had to adjust and either consume their perishables quicker or risking them going to waste. They waited the 3-4 weeks processing time that Samsung vaguely advised.
Come January 11, 2019, Friday, they called Samsung again to follow-up and was advised that the company would give them a return call on Monday. Of course, that didn’t happen and Ms. Elaine called on the following Tuesday. A Samsung agent said they would have some feedback by the end of the week. Fast forward to January 16, the couple still has no idea what is happening to their case, whether they would receive a refund or a replacement unit of a different model.
Ms. Elaine is wondering if the delay is caused by numerous defective units being handled by Samsung and she warns everyone to be careful when purchasing products from this brand.
See Ms. Elaine’s full post here:
Netizens are sending mixed reactions towards this news and sharing their positive or negative experiences with the brand.

Others like Lewis Loh are extending their creativity with the issue which could bring some humour to the couple during their waiting game.

Lee Limsim, on the other hand, suggested a fool-proof way to get Samsung’s attention.

Samsung has extended their apologies but still did not give any definite solutions.

Read also:
Customer frustrated with high repair fees for the Samsung flip phone and S20 issues – Singapore News