Renting is the buzzword these days. It lets you try out a product before you decide to make a serious purchase to own the item forever. It gives you access to things that may not be available elsewhere, like a west highland white terrier and … an ang moh (Caucasian) or French dude! Here are four things you can possibly rent.


Pet Dogs

Rent a dog from pet rental agencies for an unlimited time. Most agencies specially train adopted pet dogs to be able to adapt to any environment and listen to anyone. Says dog trainer Herbert Lim, 47, who runs Easy Dogs, a-dog-for-rent agency: “Some people may not like the idea of getting a dog rented out, but wouldn’t it be worse to have an abandoned dog caged every day, waiting for an organisation to end its life?”   Comedians

Imagine going out with someone who is able to tell jokes throughout a ‘date’. And no, we are not talking about social escorts but getting a professional entertainer to accompany you on a lunch and or dinner outing. The idea itself may sound out-of-whack but what better way to keep yourself happy for an entire afternoon than rent-an-entertainer. One entertainer, Edwin Goh of the Ministry of Party, says he customises packages for people looking forward to nothing but a good one, two, three and even four-hour laugh packed with magic treats!



Kachang Puteh Stall

Kachang Puteh stalls are a vanishing trade and if you are keen on reliving the good old days, you will be pleased to know that you can rent a kachang puteh stall. Rental, however, does not come cheap – it is priced at S$150 for one hour, S$280 for two hours and S$375 for three hours.

See also  'The only housing I can afford' — Singaporean



Mister Manhunt, Miss Singapore or Paul Foster 

Want a hunk or a babe to flaunt to discerning friends? How about renting a manhunt contestant or beauty queen? Your friends will definitely be amazed with your latest catch and they will ask you both to fabulous parties so they can brag about being best of friends with a celebrity. Be prepared to answer a list of awkward yet intrusive questions about your relationship.

Ladies: How about renting a Caucasian actor like, say, Paul Foster – if you cannot get hold of that suave hunk?




Time to kiss loneliness goodbye, you can now rent-a-friend! Find someone who you can talk to or share a light-hearted conversation with over food and drinks. In the mood for cycling at Pulau Ubin but cannot find people who are athletic to go with? This social website is the place to hunt for people according to your personal interest. Most of the “friends” on this website charge as low as S$10 an hour but are willing to negotiate or even waive the fees depending on the place and type of activity. And if you are interested in expanding your social network, you can register with the service to rent yourself out to others.
