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Singaporeans witnessed the hard landing of one member of the Red Lions parachute team at the National Day Parade on Tuesday (Aug 9).

Third Warrant Officer Jeffrey Heng, who was the last of the parachutists to land on the ground, tumbled and fell, with his parachute enveloping him.

The mishap, which is said to have been caused by strong winds, was caught on camera.

Mr Heng was later carried off the platform on a stretcher by medics.

Announcers later told the crowd that the parachutist was in stable condition, and was alert and conscious.

Shortly afterwards, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen confirmed this in a Facebook post, adding that he was receiving medical attention, and encouraging everyone to “wish Jeffrey a quick recovery.”

Many sent well-wishes to Mr Heng online, including President Halimah Yacob, who made mention of the parachutist in a Facebook post.

Workers’ Party Members of Parliament Gerald Giam (Aljunied GRC) and He Ting Ru (Sengkang GRC) also mentioned Mr Heng in their posts about NDP.

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Other netizens also joined the chorus of well-wishers.



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