Taipei — Taiwanese star Rainie Yang, 36, is a devoted dog owner. Yang dedicated her song Nutrients to her pet dog, Yumi, last year. She celebrates  Yumi’s birthday every year, but the celebration this year was bittersweet. On Instagram, she shared photos of the party she threw to celebrate the dog’s birthday on May 5.

She had just returned to Taiwan after spending months in China to compete in Sisters Who Make Waves 2. In the caption of the post, Yang said that she was thankful that she made it back in time for Yumi’s birthday. Unfortunately, things are not the same with the pet dog as Yumi has been diagnosed with dementia. Yang shared that during the three months she was away, there was a change in Yumi’s behaviour and daily routine, according to

“But I am happy that when I finally met Yumi, I knew that she still remembered me. And she is still full of energy and willing to play with me, although I can tell that she behaves a little like an old woman,” wrote Yang.

Yang may be saddened by the news but she is not surprised by the diagnosis, considering the dog’s age.  Yumi is 16 years old. That’s almost as old as an 80-year-old man or woman.

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“To be honest, no matter how prepared I am, I’m still scared to see her getting older until the day she can no longer accompany us. So I cherish every moment I have with her, even though she spends most of her time sleeping,” said Yang.

“Yumi, mummy really loves you, I hope you stay healthy and happy, eat and sleep well. Happy birthday!”

The pooch had to undergo surgery in 2018 to remove a mast cell tumour (MCT). The operation went well and Yumi recovered fully.

Yumi still remembers Rainie even though she has dementia. Picture: Instagram

Born on June 4, 1984, Rainie Yang is a Taiwanese singer, actress, and television host.

Yang was born and raised in Taipei. Her father’s ancestors were from Guangdong, China. She spoke Cantonese at home. By the time she was 13, she had to start working because her father’s business failed, which led to her parents being divorced. She attended Hwa Kang Arts School which specialised in performance arts./TISG