Singapore—Three students from Dunman High School sprang into action when they saw two motorbike riders on the street after an accident.

As the three 16-year-old, Year 4 girls— Tan Ler Xen, Lee Jill and Teo Jing Jing Zoe—are qualified first-aiders, they knew they could be of some assistance.

The incident occurred last month, on Feb 10, but the girls’ story was only recently told in The New Paper (TNP).

The incident was also recounted in a Facebook post on the school’s account on March 3.

The post said the three were on their way home from CCA training at around 6.30 pm that day “when they witnessed a motorcycle skid across the road a few metres away from the bus stop. 

“Two other oncoming vehicles, a motorcycle and a car, were unable to brake in time, resulting in a crash.”

The two men who were injured in the incident were both migrant workers.

While they could not help one of the injured men, as his leg was caught under the wheel of a motorbike, they found that they could render assistance to the other injured man.

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The post read, “Without hesitation, Ler Xen sprinted to the SMRT Service Centre and retrieved a First Aid Kit. 

“Zoe prepared sterile wash and gauze to be placed on his laceration and bleeding contusion. 

“While reassuring the casualty, Jill applied direct pressure on the casualty’s laceration to reduce the bleeding, and elevated it to promote blood flow to the heart. 

“Ler Xen then tied a scalp bandage to secure the sterile gauze to his forehead. 

“Zoe proceeded to calm an elderly passer-by who was crying due to shock from witnessing the accident.”

Some minutes later, two ambulances from the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) arrived at the scene, and officers took care of the injured men.

But the girls’ service did not end, they then went on to help the SMRT staff make the police report.

“The act of public-spiritedness exhibited by these three students truly exemplifies what it means to be a St John First Aider and Dunmanian. Equipped with important lifesaving skills, they have made a critical difference to people in need of help and medical attention. Well done Zoe, Jill, and Ler Xen!” said the post.

Facebook screengrab: Dunman High School 德明政府中学

According to the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), a traffic accident occurred shortly before 7 pm that day at Mountbatten Road, causing two individuals to be brought to Raffles Hospital.

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Ms Jing Jing Zoe is quoted in TNP as saying, “He was moaning and appeared to be in quite a bit of pain. He was bleeding from his left palm and had abrasions on his elbows. He also had a laceration on his forehead.”

Ms Jing Jing Zoe said, “We informed the passers-by that we were qualified first-aiders and that we could help the (victims).”

Their teacher, Ms Low Xin Tian, who is in charge of Dunman High St John Brigade, said, “Equipped with lifesaving skills, they made a critical difference to people in need of help and medical attention. Such display of courage and compassion truly exemplifies what it means to be a St John first-aider and a Dunmanian.”


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