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SINGAPORE: Procurri Singapore secures a 30-month tenancy agreement with Exeo Global for $1.4M effective at the start of the new year, Jan 1, 2024.

Procurri Singapore, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Procurri Corporation, finalised a tenancy agreement with Exeo Global, securing premises at 8 Aljunied Avenue 3, The Pulse. The lease is effective from Jan 1, 2024, and spans a period of 30 months, concluding on Jun 30, 2026, The Edge Singapore reports.

Under the terms of the agreement, Procurri Singapore will pay Exeo Global a total rent not exceeding $1.4 million for the entire lease term. The leased premises encompass a total area of 19,000 sqft.

As of Dec 29, the cumulative value of all interested person transactions between Procurri Corporation and Exeo Group for the fiscal year 2023, ending Dec 31, is approximately $1.8 million.

As of Dec 31, 2022, the company’s latest audited consolidated net tangible assets (NTA) is at 4.3%.

On Dec 29, shares in Procurri Corporation closed unchanged at 18.5 cents./TISG

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