Indian beauty Priyanka Chopra is said to be the latest celebrity to be joining the cast of The Matrix 4. Malay Mail reported Variety as saying that Chopra will also be part of Citadel, an Amazon event series from Avengers:Endgame directors The Russo brothers.

Chopra is said to be in talks to join the untitled fourth instalment in the Matrix franchise which is directed by co-creator Lana Wachowski.

Priyanka Chopra joins Matrix 4 cast. Picture: Instagram

Information about Chopra’s role is still a secret but it is known that she will be joining a star-studded cast which includes both franchise veterans and newbies like Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Jonathan Groff, Jessica Henwick, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, and Neil Patrick Harris.

The movie is slated to be released on May 21, 2021 and the Warner Bros and Village Roadshow movie is in fight training for weeks for production to start. The filming will begin in Northern California.

In other news, 37-year-old Priyanka Chopra is super excited about having kids with her husband, 27-year-old Nick Jonas soon.

See also  Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra do not mind 10 year age gap

She shared with journalist Hoda Kotb in an interview about her baby plans.

There’s been speculation that she’s already expecting.

Nothing’s confirmed but, like with her latest interview, Priyanka has spoken about starting a family and how it’s something she’s definitely planning. “Buying a home and having a baby is on my to-do list,” she told Vogue India in its September issue last year.

The couple have been seen at many public and private events together such as the Met Gala and Paris outings. They always appear to be smitten with each other and they have both made it known how in love they are in every interview they give.