Priyanka Chopra Jonas recently uploaded a sun-kissed photo of herself on Instagram, looking good in a white crochet top. The brunette beauty always gets positive feedback whenever she updates her social media account. Priyanka has a large fan following and she is also active on social media. She is open about sharing her life to her fans. Despite being in isolation because of the coronavirus pandemic, Priyanka still shares stunning photos and videos on social media now and then.

Her latest photo on Instagram received a lot of likes. The actress looked beautiful dressed in a white crochet top while sun-tanning. Priyanka finished her look with a hat and a pair of sunnies. Her makeup was also flawless as she wore red lipstick to compliment her outfit. In her caption, she wrote that she is feeling blessed and it is a good day with the sun, a hat and a cherry lip.

Priyanka Chopra is one of India’s most popular actresses. Picture: Instagram

Priyanka has returned to filming Hindi films again with The Sky is Pink which was launched last year. The movie also stars Farhan Akhtar, Rohit Suresh Saraf and Zaira Wasim. It is directed by Shonali Bose and co-produced by Priyanka as well as Siddharth Roy Kapur and Ronnie Screwvala. Priyanka’s next movie is The White Tiger which will be aired on an online streaming service.

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Priyanka Chopra Jonas was born 18 July 1982. She is an Indian actress and singer who won the Miss World 2000 pageant. She is one of India’s highest-paid and most popular entertainers. Priyanka has won several awards such as National Film Award and five Filmfare Awards. The Government of India honoured Priyanka with the Padma Shri in 2016 while Time named her as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Forbes listed her as one of the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women.

Initially Priyanka wanted to study aeronautical engineering. After her pageant wins, there were offers to join the Indian film industry so Priyanka decided to change her career path. She debuted in The Hero: Love Story of a Spy, followed by Andaaz, Mujhse Shaadi Karogi and Aitraaz. She also starred in Krrish and Don.