New York — Priyanka Chopra just added another feather to her hat. She is a successful actress, producer, author and entrepreneur and now she is also a restaurateur. Chopra went on social media to announce that she is now the proud co-owner of an Indian restaurant in New York. The posh eatery is named ‘Sona’ and it was a dream in the making for a long time. Chopra also shared photos from a small puja that was held at Sona back in September 2019.

Chopra said, “I’m thrilled to present to you SONA, a new restaurant in NYC that I poured my love for Indian food into. SONA is the very embodiment of timeless India and the flavours I grew up with. The kitchen is helmed by the incredible Chef @harinayak, a masterful talent, who has created the most delicious and innovative menu, taking you on a food journey through my amazing country.”

Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra performing puja. Picture: Instagram

She added, “SONA is opening later this month, and I can’t wait to see you there! This endeavour would not have been possible without the leadership of my friends Maneesh Goyal and David Rabin. Thank you to our designer Melissa Bowers and the rest of the team for realising this vision so clearly.”

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According to Pinkvilla, the actress shared the photos and gave a glimpse of herself performing puja with her husband Nick Jonas.

“The second and third photos were taken in September 2019 when we performed a small intimate Puja (prayer ceremony) to bless the space that would soon become @sonanewyork Godspeed!” wrote Chopra.

The actress’ announcement received a whole lot of love on social media as her close friends and acquaintances flooded the comments section and wished the actress success in her new venture.

Born on July 18, 1982, Priyanka Chopra Jonas is an Indian actress, singer, and film producer. The winner of the Miss World 2000 pageant, Chopra is one of India’s highest-paid and most popular entertainers. She has received numerous accolades, including a National Film Award and five Filmfare Awards. In 2016, the Government of India honoured her with the Padma Shri and Time named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world, and in the next two years Forbes listed her among the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women./TISG