Facebook user Tony Keng Hong Tan shared the picture of a letter from the Police saying that they would take no further action against the person whom the police report was made against. Tony said that it was Nee Soon GRC MP, Er Lee Bee Wah, who the report was made against – for going up on the stage at a seven-month Getai event during the GE2015 campaigning period.

According to the letter from the Police, the report was made on 6 Sep 2015. It took the Police over a year to conclude the case. An online publication, The Online Citizen, reported in Sep 2015 that a a member of the public alerted it to the MP participating in the religious festival.

It said: “It is unclear if Ms Lee, who wore an all-white attire, was invited to the event, or whether she had spoken or made a speech at the getai. On 14 August (2015), the Singapore Police issued a statement to remind political parties to keep getai and the elections separate. “Election campaigning activities and Seventh Month Festival events should be kept separate,” the police statement said. The police said Seventh Month Festival event organisers “should ensure that no speeches intended to canvass support for election candidates and/or political parties are delivered (at) Seventh Month Festival events”. It is, however, unclear if election candidates are allowed to participate in getai activities…

“It came after media reports that several getai organisers had been “approached by political parties that want to organise events with them to take advantage of the massive crowds that these outdoor stage performances attract”, according to local news reports.”

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The letter from the Police said that “after careful considerations of the facts and circumstances of the case and in consultation with the Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Police has advised all the involved parties of the relevant regulations accordingly, and to refrain from any conduct that may be in breach of the regulations. No further actions will be taken against them.”

The letter further added: “All investigations and enquiries into the matter will cease and the case will be closed.”