A woman felt “so emotional” watching an elderly worker having breakfast alone that she wondered why the pioneer generation in Singapore still had to work to make a living.

“Stumbled upon this elderly sitting down eating his breakfast before he starts work,” wrote TikTok user @clumsydaisyxxxz in the video.

She admitted feeling emotional watching the man spread peanut butter on his bread and sip his milo.

“I guess being in Singapore, regardless of how pioneer you have become, you still have to work your ass off for a living,” she noted, adding that retirement only applies to the rich or those with kids who could look after the elderly.

“If not, you need to work to live,” said the TikTok user. “I wish you well, uncle. Hope you like the little gifts from me,” she added.

Although the kind stranger’s efforts sparked criticisms from netizens who said she didn’t need to “broadcast” the good deed, many still thanked her as it raised awareness of the current situation.

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“I see it with so much positivity, and by sharing, it will inspire more awareness and love amongst us,” said Facebook user Clara Chua.

“Food is definitely costly in the town area, so Uncle might be trying to save money,” highlighted Facebook user Ari Tumijo. “Kudos to the lady for this kind gesture, doesn’t matter if she uploaded it to socmed for likes or whatever, it’s the gesture that mainly counts.”

The topic of Singapore’s elderly still working instead of retiring often circulates on social media. Some, like the case of 95-year-old Mdm Zheng Xuehua, choose to continue working because they’re not used to the leisurely life of retirement.

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Another senior citizen, a 79-year-old woman, collects cardboard to pass the time and get some exercise while earning a small income on the side.” /TISG

79-year-old says she is collecting cardboard to pass time and get some exercise

ByHana O