SINGAPORE: A social media post warning people not to visit Funan Mall at North Bridge Road went viral late Tuesday (May 14).

“WARNING! Guys don’t go/leave Funan now. There’s a dozen or more cars sliding down the entrance cos they all could not avoid hitting the walls as they found it too slippery to stop,” reads the post on the SG Kaypoh ! Page.

A video of the incidents was also posted on the social media pages of SG Road Vigilante. The beginning of the video appeared to be dash cam footage of a motorbike slipping in the carpark. The video also included photos of the damaged vehicles.

And if people were already there, they were cautioned not to leave, at least for the time being, due to a number of mishaps that occurred in the carpark as cars endeavoured to leave amid the pouring rain.

The post, which went on to be widely shared, included several photos of vehicles with damage on the left side of their front bumpers.

Facebook screengrab/SG Kaypoh 人!

One photo even showed a white car that bumped into the carpark wall.

Facebook screengrab/SG Kaypoh 人!

The mishaps happened roughly the same time as flash flood warnings were in Singapore because of the rain.

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One of the drivers of the damaged cars told Shin Min Daily News that he initially thought his brakes were faulty. He also found out that the other affected drivers had the same thoughts.

He told the Chinese daily that the ground was “too slippery” and that he could not control his car.

“Over an hour after the accident, the mall management sent someone down to inform us to report the accident to our insurance companies to claim compensation.

But we want an explanation, and some drivers called the police,” added Mr Hong Yibin, who also said that the entrance to the carpark was later shut down by the management of Funan Mall to avoid additional mishaps.

“We are investigating the cause of the incident and are providing the necessary assistance to the affected drivers,” a spokesperson for the mall is quoted in CNA as saying.

“The safety and well-being of our shoppers are of utmost importance. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused,” the spokesperson added. /TISG

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