SINGAPORE: In a Facebook post on Sunday (June 9), Lim Tean, the secretary-general of the opposition party People’s Voice, wrote, “Singaporeans Want Their Country Back!”

Mr Lim shared a comment from a Facebook user, Mr Gene Hon, about a post he had made the day before. The post had a cartoon with the words, “The government does not care; we, the people, must help each other!”

However, Mr Hon made one point that Mr Lim disagrees with. While Mr Hon wrote that he was not “upset with the salaries of Ministers” and “we are a rich country,” Mr Lim characterised the salaries of PAP leaders as “astronomical”.

He also wrote that People’s Voice would cut the Prime Minister’s salary by 70 per cent “and adjust the other Ministers’ salaries accordingly.”

He also noted that even if the salary of the Prime Minister were reduced by 70 per cent, he would “still be the highest paid leader in the World! Now you realise how outrageous their salaries are!”

However, upon fact-checking, Mr Lim appears to be incorrect in stating this, as the salary of Hong Kong’s leader John Lee is higher than what PM Wong would earn if his salary were reduced by 70 per cent.

The post that Mr Hon commented on also quoted another comment from Mr Roger SS Lim, “imploring Singaporeans to vote for more caring people into Parliament.”

See also  Lim Tean takes down 'sermon for PAP' after Catholic Archdiocese warns it was 'taken out of context'

Mr Lim wrote about Singaporeans “feeling like strangers in our own land” but that it was not too late because there are “willing and capable people” who would champion others’ rights and concerns.

In response, Mr Hon echoed the need for “more vocal and capable opposition.” He focused on two specific areas to be addressed that would help citizens: health coverage and reducing public transport costs.

He also expressed that he would “like to see an ease on influx” of foreign talent and “to see more Singaporeans given a chance to live in our country.”

Moreover, he added that he wants to see the country’s reserves used toward education, transportation, and medical fees.

“I don’t need fountains and Number 1 status as we, Pure Singaporeans have many other needs especially a roof over our heads even Government HDB has risen to a point where we will struggle with the ridiculous cost for an HDB unit.

We need opposition ministers to keep helping our young,” he wrote. /TISG

Read also: Lim Tean’s trial finally underway after delays; he pleads ‘not guilty’