Saying he has undeniable proof that money from the scandal hit 1MDB has made its way into the account of a personality close to the Party Islam-Se Malaysia (PAS), Rafizi Ramli, an opposition Member of Parliament urged the Islamist party leader to respond to his claims.
In clear terms, he asked PAS leader Hadi Awang to comment whether PAS received 1MDB money.

Rafizi said the money flowed from an account belonging to Prime Minister Najib Razak.
This was revealed on the verge of the PAS reading the personal bill on the Hudud or the upgrading of the Shariah criminal laws in Malaysia during today’s session of the Parliament.
However, the bill was postponed after the Secretary General of the PAS defended his party’s tabling the bill.

Rafizi”s claims marred PAS success to present the bill in Parliament, a historic moment for the party, which was refused government support after the Najib dumped the bill back into Hadi’s lap.

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Najib had promised the PAS his government would support the bill and that he will get his ruling coalition the Barisan Nasional (BN) to table the bill during this session of the Parliament.

The postponement of the reading to the next session – as expected by The Independent – could mean the general elections are in the corner and may happen before the next seating of the Parliament.

In the mean time, PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan denied claims by Rafizi – who is also PKR vice-president – that there are individuals close to the Islamist party receiving funds derived from 1MDB.

“As far as I know we (PAS) has not received any funding from anywhere, if I as secretary-general must know.

“I have no information and have no direct knowledge of what anything (regarding 1MDB),” said Takiyuddin told Malaysiakini.