Organising consultant Marie Kondo from Japan is making huge waves on social media thanks to the spotlight being placed on her effective techniques in organising a house.

Kondo-san is a woman that LOVES mess and loves organising them even more. Her approach, called the KonMari method, is all about making our lives simpler and more organized by getting rid of items that do not bring joy. Her techniques are so informative and effective that she has written four books about it already including her best-seller The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, which is the basis of her new Netflix series called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. In the increasingly popular show, Kondo-san goes through households in America, helping families find joy in tidying up, restoring relationships with each other and changing their lifestyles altogether through the simple act of fixing up.

Who knew decluttering could be so fun and relieving? It’s all thanks to the bubbly personality of Kondo-san that makes her love and passion for organising rub off on everyone she meets.

The KonMari Method

The first step in KonMari is to check if your stuff still brings joy to you. Literally. She advices to physically hold your item and ask “Does it spark joy?” It doesn’t matter if that item is old or brand new. Once you touch it and it leaves a happy smile on your face, then it’s a keeper. If not, then it must be thrown out, donated or stored.

Imagine being surrounded on a daily basis by things that only make you happy. The effect would be a more stress-free life.

The following are tips on how to successfully apply the KonMari method:

  1. Do it all at once. Decluttering cannot be an impromptu activity. One must definitely set aside one day (or more) for each category. Grab all the clothes in the house, designate a corner for them, and start touching.
  2. Visualize the destination. A successful plan is always something with a goal. In this case, what is it you want to achieve after decluttering? Do you want a house that has kids but still looks like a bachelor’s pad? Or how about a house that is peaceful and relaxed. Having a goal will keep you focused and motivated as you touch each item for decluttering.
  3. Does it spark joy? Mentioned earlier, by discarding items in your house that invite negativity, you will only be creating more room for happiness. How great is that?
  4. Organize by category and not location. One does not start cleaning the master’s bedroom then moving on to the kitchen, etc. Instead, there are categories by which to start tidying up.
See also  Decluttering expert Marie Kondo's new online shop sparks confusion on social media

The sequence in organising:

  1. Clothes
  2. Books
  3. Papers
  4. Komono (kitchen, bathroom and garage stuff as well as miscellaneous items)
  5. Sentimental items

Don’t get daunted by a very messy looking house with pots and pans and the whole kitchen lying around the living room. It’s all part of the process to more joy.

  1. Stick to the sequence. This was created by Kondo-san to make the long-lasting effect of a tidy home more achievable.

Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

Thanks to the realistic and relatable episodes in the series currently available in Netflix, we can all be a part of the journey that households experience when they start applying the KonMari method through the guidance of Kondo-san herself. Throughout season 1, individuals in the family go through a phase of raised eyebrows at the uncanny step of touching each item and treating them as if they were alive, the perils of actually tidying up, the slow transformation, and the complete and utter joy and relief at the end. Marriages were even strengthened because of something as simple as tidying up!

People who effectively apply the KonMari method experience a cleaner and organized house that does not become messy again after some time passes. It may take a week or even one month to complete the KonMari but it is definitely worth it.

Below is a simple tutorial on how to store clothes, KonMari style:

Netizens agree that this is something worth a shot. They are tagging their friends and looking for buddies to start the journey with.

Photo: Facebook screengrab
Photo: Facebook screengrab
Photo: Facebook screengrab