Singapore—We understand reserving a place to sit and eat in crowded places is a uniquely Singaporean tradition, but for some netizens, seeing students “chope” tables overnight at Our Tampines Hub to save a place for themselves for the next day was a step too far.
One netizen who goes by Mok on Twitter, expressed his outrage on Tuesday, September 8, threatening to dispose of students’ papers and pencil cases used for these purposes.
He wrote, “bruh wtf students are leaving their stuff overnight at thub tables just to chope for tmr…? im posting this because im telling yall that i will not hesitate to throw your papers and empty pencil cases away if i see them”
A netizen answered him, tweeting, “when i reach i see people that slept overnight there .-.”
In jest, Mok retorted, “damn… who said theres no homelessness in sg.”
In reply, kakashi’s hoe tweeted back, “thub; a homeless shelter for the inconsiderate.”
Other netizens encouraged Mok to throw the items used for chope away, or said they would do the same.
But another netizen claimed that chope-ing isn’t actually done overnight, but that people come very early in the morning, around 6:00, and then leave for a while as lights are not turned on until an hour later.
The majority, however, agreed that the habit of leaving things to reserve tables for hours on end can be thought of as selfish and inconsiderate and that it caused them not to visit Our Tampines Hub so often anymore.
The original poster even called it “coloniser behavior.”
However, if students just follow adults who use tissue paper to chope seats at hawker centers, or have someone stand in parking spots to reserve them, should something official finally be done about the practice? -/TISG
Read also: Singaporeans explain ‘chope’ culture to shocked German exchange student
Singaporeans explain ‘chope’ culture to shocked German exchange student