Singapore—On Wednesday (June 9), MP Jamus Lim (Workers’ Party—Sengkang GRC) posted on Facebook that Anchorvale, the ward he is responsible for, recently changed its cleaning contractor and that he and his fellow MPs have been checking on the area to ensure that the cleaners are doing a good job.
He and Ms He Ting Ru (Buangkok), Ms Raeesah Khan (Compassvale), and Mr Louis Chua (Rivervale) “deployed to different pockets” of the estate to monitor the performance of the new contractor.
This is especially vital given the pandemic and the Covid cases found in Sengkang. Thorough cleaning is needed to prevent the disease from spreading.
But given the restrictions Singapore is under during Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), only two people can gather at a time, which means the Workers’ Party MPs cannot rely on a team of volunteers for checking on the area.
Nevertheless, Dr Lim seemed to have found something to be grateful for in the overcast weather, “which meant (relatively) less sweaty backs!” he wrote.
The MP may have been referring to a picture that went viral last week of himself going around Sengkang drenched in sweat.
One netizen who shared the photo wrote, “When Jamus Lim said “Gam Xia, Sengkang”, he surely meant it.
“Seen here doing his rounds quietly alone in 33°C & probably 99.99% humidity! No entourage, no SPH photographers, no gongs, no bells, no airs.”
Dr Lim added that he hopes “restrictions on gathering sizes lift by mid-month”, and that “#TeamSengkang will be able to meet, as a group, with residents again”.
The diligent monitoring of the Sengkang MPs did not go unnoticed online, and many netizens thanked them for their hard work.
The comments also indicate that there is indeed a problem with cleanliness at Anchorvale. And one netizen even offered to work with Dr Lim for the improvement of the area.
Read also: He Ting Ru outlines new safety measures at Sengkang to prevent further Covid spread from Anchorvale cluster