Netizen Minghui Ming caught an officer who turned on his police vehicle’s siren and beat a red light, on camera. Posting the footage on Facebook, he commented that this is “sg, not philippines” and sarcastically asked: “Mr officer, rushing to somewhere?”
Ming insisted that the police officer should not have beat the red light but netizens responding to his post predominantly disagreed with his views, calling it “fault finding, next level.”
Alvis Chung: “Being a Police in Singapore also difficult. This kind also ppl want to post. u could cost them their jobs. Hopefully next time they are not attending to your family emergency.”
Simon Loo: “IÂ think they have right to do so.”
Clarence Tay: “Police vehicle can beat red light legally. What is wrong? But he supposed to on the blinker to warn other road users.”
Ming has since either deleted his post or made it private.