A netizen who had a bad experience after staying with their in-laws took to social media to warn others not to do the same.

In a post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the netizen wrote: “Don’t ever stay with parents in law. Their way of thinking is too different from ours and they’re very stubborn, unreceptive of change or suggestions”.

They added that when they left their child with their in-laws, they gave the baby food that adults eat, that was loaded with sugars and salt “without my knowledge”.

The netizen continued, “When we came back, they even “bragged”about it. And in subsequent meals, they keep saying that it is ok, they have fed before & nothing went wrong”.

“Beware guys”, the netizen warned, “Don’t stay with parents in law. No Matter how nice they are before marriage”.

Netizens who commented on the post seemed to be divided. Here’s what they said:

In May, another netizen suffered the same fate. A woman whose mother-in-law knew not the meaning of boundaries took to social media after she had enough.

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In an anonymous post on popular confessions page SGWhispers on Sunday (May 15), the woman wrote that she felt “so fed up with a marriage where my MIL does not respect boundaries”. She qualified her post by saying that her mother-in-law (MIL) was “nice” but went on to add that her MIL would feed her 8-month-old child fast food.

Referring to her child as ‘LO’, the daughter-in-law wrote: “Milk, she insists on using formula because “convenient”, but LO is used to & prefers to look for me for feeds. She fed my LO water before 6mths old. Even though we told her not to. She fed my 2yo nephew coffee saying that there’s no cream or sugar. Just pure coffee. I don’t understand. Do kids drink coffee nowadays?”

Help, my mother-in-law feeds my 8mth old baby fast food, gives away my clothes and does not respect boundaries, husband sides his mum too