Singapore — A number of Workers’ Party politicians have spoken up, including former WP chief Low Thia Khiang, after last week’s release of the Committee on Privileges report, which could have grave consequences for Singapore’s foremost opposition party.

Mr Low, who helmed the WP from 2001 to 2018, spoke to Shin Min Daily News on Friday (Feb 11), one day after the report was released.

He told the Chinese-language publication that some have asked him to return to the political arena to help the WP after the fallout of the Raeesah Khan scandal, which has affected the party’s current leaders, secretary-general Pritam Singh, chair Sylvia Lim and vice-chair Faisal Manap.

Mr Low, 65, said that while everyone is “very concerned” there are “many talents in the Workers’ Party, so there is no need to worry.”

He also expressed appreciation for Singaporeans who have asked him to return to politics.

Mr Low was Singapore’s longest-serving opposition Member of Parliament (1991 to 2020) and the unofficial Leader of the Opposition from 2006 to 2018. He announced before the 2020 General Election that he would not stand for election, but would remain active in politics. He had been hospitalised following a bad fall at home that April.

See also  WP politician says there is “much to be 'fixed' in our political system”

But some netizens seem to believe he is needed by the Workers’ Party now, given the troubles that Mr Singh and Mr Manap are facing.

The COP concluded that the WP leaders had lied in relation to the complaint against Ms Khan. It found that she had acted under the direction of Mr Singh, Ms Lim and Mr Faisal Manap. 

It also recommended that Mr Singh and Mr Manap be referred to the Public Prosecutor in relation to Mr Singh’s conduct before the committee and Mr Manap’s possible contempt of Parliament for refusing to answer “relevant” questions. The Public Prosecutor will then consider if criminal proceedings should be launched against the two Aljunied GRC MPs.

In response to what Mr Low had said to Shin Min Daily News, a number of netizens are saying, “please come back.”

The ex-WP head has remained highly respected over the years.

Some already seemed to be hailing his return.

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Read also: What a bloody mess has Raeesah Khan left behind