Singapore — An MP’s Facebook post on block cleaning in Tampines North (St 45) has left people online somewhat confused about whether or not there is a confirmed case of Covid-19 in the area.

Ms Cheng Li Hui, an MP for Tampines GRC, had not given direct answers to some of the questions on her post as of Monday afternoon.

She first posted about block cleaning being activated late on Sunday afternoon (March 1) because there was a confirmed case in Tampines North (St 45).

The MP later changed her post to merely announce the block cleaning, for “Covid-19”, omitting the words “confirmed case” as well as the location she had earlier indicated.

Here is the earlier post in full:

“Tampines Town Council was activated for block cleaning at Tampines North today by NEA, for Covid-19.
The SOP for such cases, Town Council point of contact will be informed and cleaners will be activated. Cleaning will be carried out under the supervision of NEA for the following areas of affected block-
Lifts especially lift buttons, handrails and mirrors
Lift lobbies
Tables and chairs at void deck
Playground and exercise equipments
Rubbish bins
I did a block visit to Tampines Central (on behalf of DPM) yesterday. Many residents are confident with the way the government is handling this. Some said that life is pretty much back to normal.
But we cannot let our vigilance down. We have to keep reminding each other to wash and sanitise our hands regularly. Naggy but necessary.”

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Her post had photos of masked and gloved cleaners going over the areas she had mentioned.

The media site posted a report based on Ms Cheng’s original post of a confirmed case in Tampines.

At around the same time as the MP’s post, the Tampines Town Council announced that there was a confirmed case in the area. It linked the announcement to the MP’s post.

After Ms Cheng amended the post, however, netizens began to ask whether or not there was a Covid-19 case in the area.

When someone asked where the block cleaning was ongoing, Ms Cheng said this information could not be disclosed, “for privacy of the affected families and residents”.

One netizen asked for the case number, as patients are identified by case numbers on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Ms Cheng has yet to respond to this question. /TISG

Read also: SDP’s Dr Paul Tambyah answers “burning questions” on Covid-19

SDP’s Dr Paul Tambyah answers “burning questions” on Covid-19