Dashcam footage of an altercation between a motorcyclist taking the wrong ramp in a carpark and a vehicle driver is circulating online, sparking debate among netizens if the driver’s response to the incident merits the situation.

The video started with the driver approaching the downward ramp with the motorcyclist on it.

Photo: FB screengrab/ROADS.sg

As the rider makes the turn, the cam car honks to alert the rider. “You cannot come from there, you know or not,” said the driver.

The rider manoeuvres his bike to get closer to the driver, and the video cuts to the moment when the two men were already in an argument.

Photo: FB screengrab/ROADS.sg

“Ah, so lazy,” said the camcar driver.

As the rider backed up to continue on his way, he quickly pointed at the driver with his middle finger.

Photo: FB screengrab/ROADS.sg

“Ride down from the opposite direction in carpark. Almost cause an accident and still can argue and point middle finger,” wrote Facebook page Singapore roads accident.com in a post with the video on Friday (April 15).

Facebook page ROADS.sg also shared the video, garnering mixed responses from netizens.

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Some thought the driver’s reaction was a bit too much, or he was “too free”.

“Rider should take precaution when going against the traffic and give way. But this is common. Cam driver is very sua ku. Small things like this make until like the world owes him a living. Relax, lah,” said Facebook user Ah Kher.

Meanwhile, others noted that such behaviour should not be common in the first place.

“Why flame cam car? We know that it’s common, but there are occurrences that I had personally encountered an almost hit. And the rider just ignored and rode off,” said Facebook user Et Enzo T, his comment receiving over 60 likes.

“Yeh, too common until they don’t care about others? Common so can ignore? Somemore when you did something wrong and still not apologetic? Common means you can ignore others?” he asked.

“This post should spread awareness to others that this needs to stop. Your convenience can be others’ nuisance, be considerate,” he added. /TISG

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