Singapore – Another incident involving an intersection’s yellow box was caught on camera, this time between a vehicle and motorcycle which sent the rider flying across the road.

On Sunday (Sept 27), Facebook page uploaded dash-cam footage of the accident which occurred two days earlier at Hougang.

The caption read, “Discretionary right turn by car without checking for clear traffic resulting in this bad accident for the biker.”

The video showed a black vehicle making a discretionary right turn without ensuring a clear path. Meanwhile, the motorcyclist could also be seen approaching the intersection without slowing down as a precautionary measure.

The impact resulted in a head-on crash which sent the motorcycle rider flying into the air and landing a few metres away on the road. According to the post, the rider was unconscious.

Members from the online community wished the rider a speedy recovery and urged motorists to be extra cautious when entering an intersection yellow box, especially when turning on discretion.

“When I do discretionary right turn, I don’t go unless oncoming vehicles are very, very far away,” said Facebook user Patricia Rozario.

Meanwhile, Facebook user Jimmy Ng wondered how many more accidents should occur before relevant authorities would address the issue of discretionary turns at accident-prone junctions.

Photo: FB screengrab/
Photo: FB screengrab/
Photo: FB screengrab/
Photo: FB screengrab/
Photo: FB screengrab/
Photo: FB screengrab/
Photo: FB screengrab/


A similar accident involving an intersection’s yellow box area was reported on Saturday (Sept 25). A red delivery truck sped through the yellow box during a turn while a stationary sedan on the opposite street failed to check the surroundings before proceeding on a green light. The sedan’s bumper got caught on the lorry’s rear causing it to dislodge.

See also  Motorcyclist squashed in between vehicles as van fails to stop at PIE

The removal of the discretionary right turn has been highlighted in past news due to the risks it poses on road safety.

In June 2020, CEO of Budget Direct Insurance, Simon Birch called for the end of the discretionary right turn in Singapore.

Following the country’s Road Safety Month, Mr Birch noted that these junctions are one “of the most hazardous hot-spots on our roads.” The discretionary right turn has led to several fatalities and serious injuries which could have been easily avoided if motorists had taken extra care, said Mr Birch.

“We wholeheartedly support the Land Transport Authority (LTA) plan to remove discretionary right turns at most traffic junctions by 2023, which will mean motorists can turn right only when there is a green arrow. The sooner this is implemented, the better,” added Mr Birch.

Read related:

Caught on cam: Truck turns at speed through yellow box, car has bumper dislodged