With this year’s National Day celebrations just around the corner, it appears that many don’t plan to join the festivities in person.

Despite the National Day parade on Tuesday (Aug 9) being open to the public after two years of downsized festivities, the latest data from YouGov RealTime Omnibus reveals that most Singaporeans have other plans or prefer to watch the celebrations at home.

The greatest proportion of citizens plan to watch the parade and fireworks on TV or online (48 per cent) or just stay home (46 per cent), while around a third said they would spend the time gathering with friends and family (30 per cent).

The study was conducted on July 28 with a nationally representative sample of 1,051 adults aged 18 and above in Singapore. Singapore citizens accounted for 973 of the 1,051 respondents.

As for those who plan to join the celebrations in person, one in six intend to watch the parade and fireworks at public viewing points or heartland locations, while one in twelve said they would be at the Floating Platform.

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Meanwhile, eight per cent of the respondents said they would spend their time shopping, and another eight per cent would be visiting local places of interest or celebrating in other ways (seven per cent). Just one in ten said they don’t plan to celebrate the occasion at all.

The study also polled the respondents’ assessment of personal and public levels of patriotism.

While the majority identify as being patriotic to some degree (60 per cent), just over a quarter are on the fence, identifying as being neither patriotic nor unpatriotic (27 per cent).

One in ten would go further and say they are not very patriotic (6 per cent) or not patriotic at all (4 per cent).

Read the full data findings here.

This year’s National Day celebrations include firework displays, Singapore Armed Forces and Home Team static displays at the heartlands, and the Total Defence Display at the Float @ Marina Bay./TISG

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