Man embarrassed by his girlfriend who wipes her armpits with tissue paper in public and in front of his family while chatting

MALAYSIA — A man took to social media to complain about his sweaty girlfriend, who has a habit of wiping her armpits in public. The anonymous netizen posted that he has a gorgeous girlfriend but has a habit that he finds embarrassing.
Nevertheless, “after many years of love,” the man is still very happy that he has a beautiful girlfriend with good character. He likened her beauty to Chinese actress Dilraba Dilmurat. She would also put great effort into dressing up nicely when they go out. “The only thing that can’t be accepted is that she wipes her underarm sweat with tissue in public, wherever we go!” he noted.
Singaporeans on ‘Is it okay for gay teachers to come out in class?’

SINGAPORE — In the wake of the repeal of Section 377A of the Penal Code, which criminalized sex between consenting adult males, many questions have arisen about how this would affect society. An article where several educators, as well as some parents, gave their views on whether it’s all right for gay teachers to come out to their students was published in The Straits Times over the weekend.
Entitled, “Is it okay for gay teachers to come out in class? Gay teachers list qualms, parents urge caution,” the article quoted the Ministry of Education. The teachers said it has been beneficial for students to have a safe space and someone they can talk to, although they expressed an amount of wariness in coming out, as this could have unintended consequences. The parents who spoke to ST took a more cautious view, acknowledging that “a teacher’s sexual orientation would not affect their ability to teach.”
Josephine Teo answers question of why bubble gum or chewing gum banned in Singapore

Singapore Minister for Communications and Information and Second Minister for Home Affairs Josephine Teo went on the Titan Podcast with popular YouTuber Jianhao Tan and other hosts Denise Soong and Amander. The Minister was asked why bubblegum was banned in Singapore.
She replied, “What happened was that, on one particular occasion the MRT doors couldn’t close properly and then the whole system couldn’t move. And why couldn’t the MRT doors close properly? Chewing gum. Somebody walking in or out of the MRT stuck the chewing gum at the ledge of the door, and the door refused to close properly. As a result, MRT got stuck.”
Clementi residents ‘rudely awakened’ by inconsiderate people who exercise with ‘blasting music and loud shouting’, no resolution after 1.5 years

SINGAPORE — Residents have shared their frustrations about being “rudely awakened” by a large group of “inconsiderate people” who exercise early on Saturday mornings for the past year and a half. Despite raising the issue to the Health Promotion Board (HPB) and the police, they are still waiting for a resolution.
One of the residents posted their concerns on the Facebook page Complaint Singapore on Saturday (Dec 31), noting they missed the opportunity to sleep in as the exercising group would start at 8 am every Saturday and play loud pop and hip hop music while shouting and clapping loudly for an hour.
Maid says she wants to end her contract after working for 5 months, asks if she will have to pay a fine

A foreign domestic worker took to social media asking if she could end her employment contract after working for just five months.
In her post to Facebook page FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), the maid asked other helpers and employers in the group for help. She added that she had been working for just five months but needed to end her contract because of some family matters. The maid wrote that her family back home needed her assistance.