Would you dance next to a dead body on display in a night club? This happened in New York!

Imagine dancing and drinking amid fireworks while the dead body of a singer is hung in the nightclub, with the eyes opened!

New York has seen it all and the pandemic has brought even more disturbing trends to the big apple.

The gruesome display of a dead rapper’s body in a nightclub where fans danced and fireworks went off outraged Instagram users, who called it ‘strange,’ ‘disturbing,’ and ‘disrespectful.’

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Woman casually carries endangered grey crowned crane near MacRitchie Reservoir

A video shared on several social media pages shows a woman smiling while she strolls down Joan Road, near MacRitchie Reservoir, clutching a large bird which is an endangered species  not native to Singapore.

The grey crowned crane is native to eastern and southern Africa and  has been listed as endangered since 2012 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, or IUCN.

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‘She’s using you as her retirement plan,’ netizens tell fresh grad whose mum demands $1,800 from their monthly pay

A fresh graduate recently posted on the NUS Whispers Facebook page, distressed over their mother, who asks for a considerable sum of money every month.

The poster says they only recently started working full time and live with the mother, who is not employed. The provider for both of them has been the poster’s father.

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The Resignation Generation — Overworked & Underpaid

Is working 9 to 5 or office hours now becoming archaic and a thing of the past? Have we become the resignation generation? According to the New York Times, in January this year, there was a record rise in resignations as employees left their jobs for ‘greener’ pastures.

A global survey by Microsoft indicates that 41% of workers are considering quitting their jobs. Studies show that the reason for this isn’t just the pandemic, though it may be a catalyst, it’s also because many people are quite simply tired of feeling overworked and underpaid.

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Landlady reportedly charged tenant $3.50 for not wiping down bathroom, keeps his $500 deposit after he moves out

A woman living in Hougang who rented out a room to a 20-year-old Malaysian and his friend reportedly imposed a long list of strict rules for tenants, including requiring that they clean the kitchen and bathroom immediately after use.

The landlady is said to have made the Malaysian tenant pay her $3.50 because she said she had to wipe down the bathroom after he used it.

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