monitor lizard

Singapore – A glimpse of nature at work was caught on camera as a family of otters tried to steal a fish from a monitor lizard that had the fish securely held in its jaws.

Despite being outnumbered, the reptile used its powerful tail to whack the competition away.

“Fight for the fish,”  reported a Singapore Wildlife Sightings member on Tuesday (Jan 18). The netizen uploaded a video taken at the Botanical Gardens, featuring a lone monitor lizard facing off with a romp of otters.

There seemed to be  nine otters trying their luck to snatch the fish away.

Photo: FB screengrab/Singapore Wildlife Sightings One otter  got pretty close but was unsuccessful as the reptile turned left and right to keep its lunch intact.

Photo: FB screengrab/Singapore Wildlife Sightings

The monitor lizard then made a powerful warning swoosh with its tail, sending the otters away scuttling away.

Photo: FB screengrab/Singapore Wildlife Sightings

Another tail whack seems to have persuaded  the otters to leave their target  alone.

Photo: FB screengrab/Singapore Wildlife Sightings

The online community sounded mightly impressed by the wildlife drama, some confirming that they were on the monitor lizard’s side this time. “I love otters but am glad the other side won,” said a Facebook user in a comment.

See also  ‘Is this guy gonna try to eat me?’ —  Singapore's huge monitor lizard comes out of the water and shocks Aussie man

“Now I’ve proof that otters are Ah Bengs in cute little furry skins,” added another netizen.

Many were also amazed at the force of the monitor lizard’s tail. Their long tails are used as a “propeller”  for swimming and whips for defending themselves.

There are three species of monitor lizards found in Singapore, the Malayan water monitor lizard, clouded monitor lizard and the rarest Dumeril’s monitor lizard. All are naturally shy creatures and would rather avoid humans.

According to the National Parks Board (NParks), these reptiles play an important role as scavengers in biomass decomposition and recycling.

When you encounter one, you would be well advised not to touch, chase or corner them as they may attack in defence.

“Seek medical attention immediately if (in a rare event) you are bitten. Although monitor lizards do secrete venom, it is not fatal to humans. The main cause for concern would be bacterial infection from the bite,” said NParks./TISG

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