Singapore – Members from the online community shared mixed feelings on Mr Tan Jee Say’s interest in rejoining the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), with some saying this would only mess up SDP’s chances in the upcoming General Elections. In contrast, others perceive it as a good move for the party, given his credentials and experience.

Former secretary-general of Singaporeans First (SingFirst) party, now dissolved, Mr Tan Jee Say, has expressed his interest in rejoining SDP on Monday (June 29) through a Facebook post. SingFirst was dissolved on Thursday (June 25), with Mr Tan noting that a strong opposition would be best achieved with consolidation. “This decision was not made lightly, but we believe that this move is in the best interests of Singapore,” said Mr Tan.

In his post, Mr Tan confirmed he had contacted SDP’s secretary-general Dr Chee Soon Juan with his request. “I told that I would like to rejoin SDP because firstly, the values of SDP reflect the values and beliefs I champion for Singaporeans,” said Mr Tan. “Secondly, SDP is a great party with dynamic leadership. Over the years, I have seen the SDP grow from strength to strength. Its alternative voice is what Singaporeans need. It will be my pleasure to work with them again for the people.”

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As the news spread through social media, netizens responded with varying opinions on Mr Tan’s move. A few remember Mr Tan as “the man that put Mr Tan Cheng Bock out of the presidential elections” in 2011 while some considered his “frequent hopping of parties” to be “more a distraction and liability than being an asset.” They advised SDP not to accept his request.

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab

Meanwhile, many perceive Mr Tan’s decision to dissolve SingFirst and rejoin SDP to be a “humble action that shows his character” as he was able to “put down his ego.” Joe Koshi San urged others to give Mr Tan a chance because he did the right thing of not diluting the votes through many small opposition parties. “You and Dr Chee can definitely beat all the odds,” commented Ryan Tee.

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab[0]=68.ARABIXznB6j5UDovgJouPMlYFYi0tANKpKSBpcY6IhD_iYuRcvT5mIrr7AJSfbL-dmN_wdTqpnudmUSa3wIdRNe7cRkFke3UtEzUedgmidM3mOZInX2La5cZKZCq4QdavHDLS1ZivS1Bh9FNrJHx-24Ab85BeNQLE2q91Cv4IW_tdK2Gt47OjhE9aVt3h0WvGj72uijyez1BlCUxEq6dMMnGx9Ey-9JHdkduRJCdy_ZiWnr1frA9qU7SzikDzIYZZP-41hKCNpi_RjXP56YWT-EqyImmTSHhGsaHxM1hg2V0ubkQ7FmPFmG4aa_0tMxpzm06orlGLJNMa3-Rwq54Ng&__tn__=-R

Read related:

SingFirst leader Tan Jee Say announces party’s dissolution

ByHana O