Facebook user James Lee shared a video of an unsafe driver along Orchard Road. According to James, he was approaching a cross junction and slowed his vehicle to about 30km/h, when the black BMW suddenly jumped his lane and overtook his vehicle. The incident happened at a cross junction between Orchard Road and Paterson Road last Friday (Dec 23) at around 12pm

The unsafe driver is a well known TV personality in Singapore – Rui En. And Rui En was fined $700 earlier this year after she pleaded guilty to one count of careless driving.

Rui En’s accident was much talked about in April, when she knocked over a stationary motorbike at a carpark in Clementi. Netizens took her to task for asking the rider, ‘do you know who I am?’ after he confronted her.

Rui En subsequently issued a public apology for the accident and explained it as a “judgmental error” and “careless driving”. She further admitted that she should have handled the situation “with more tact”.

Her fan club also jumped to her defense at that time suggesting that the accident became news worthy only because an actor was involved in it.

The actor issued a statement through her agent after netizens recognised that the car involved in the latest unsafe driving in Orchard Road belonged to her.  Rui En said that she found out that she was on the wrong lane, she turned on her signal beam before cutting into the second lane, after making sure that the incoming car was slowing down.