By: Leong Sze Hian
I refer to the article “askST: Does MediShield Life provide sufficient coverage?”. The article explores if MediShield Life provides sufficient coverage.
Explaining how MediShield Life covers subsidised hospital bills as well as a few major outpatient treatments such as cancer treatment, or when the person has kidney failure and requires dialysis, it says that MediShield Life should be enough for you if you are happy to go to a C class ward or B2 class ward.
Some tips on healthcare in Singapore?
In this connection, if you are told that it may take longer to get a test, operation or treatment, because you are a subsidised (Class C or B2) patient – try not to opt for faster non-subsidised treatment (Class B1 or A).
Because the difference in the bills may be four to five times or more compared to subsidised treatment. And MediShield Life is designed to cover subsidised treatment (Class C and B2)
If you are told that because you are referred by a private medical practitioner or institution – and therefore are not eligible for subsidised treatment – you may like to try to go to a polyclinic to get another referral letter, to return again to the public hospital.
If you have difficulty to pay in non-subsidised treatment and want to downgrade to subsidised treatment – you may be subject to means testing to determine as to whether you are allowed to downgrade.
If you have an accident at work – even if you opt for subsidised treatment – I understand that the hospital may charge you the non-subsidised rates because they think that it is covered by work injury compensation insurance. In such situations, any shortfall or non-coverage may end up having to be paid by the patient.