Yet another fight on the street was caught on camera and posted online, sparking criticisms from the online community. The footage was posted on SG Kaypoh 人!Facebook page on Wednesday (Jul 6) and has since gone viral with over 82,000 views.
The video starts with a young woman on the side of the road and a driver inside a white Toyota Vellfire already arguing. The woman flashed her middle finger angrily at the man. The driver then stops the vehicle in the middle of the road and steps out to confront the woman.
She gave the driver her middle finger before kicking the side of the vehicle.

Right before leaving the camera view, the man slaps the woman.

The woman tried kicking the man, and then he slapped her again, removing her cap in the process.

The man begins making his way back to the vehicle, giving the woman a chance to kick the side-view mirror. She retreats after spotting the man making his way back to her.

She kicks the side mirror again, causing the man to grab her and throw her to the ground.

According to a Straits Times report, the police were aware of the incident along Beach Road on July 6 and are currently investigating.
Members of the online community were on the fence as to what happened between the two parties.
Some said the woman deserved to be slapped based on her behaviour, while others noted the man shouldn’t have hurt her.
Still, Facebook user Nadhirah Natasha pointed out that respect goes both ways. “Some people just need to learn their lesson the hard way. Respect goes both ways. Frankly speaking, the woman deserved that big strong slap on her face. Perhaps she will be able to treat people more decently after this.” /TISG