SINGAPORE: A man who got a woman pregnant and left her when she decided to have a baby took to social media to share his regrets.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page NUSWhispers, the man wrote: “Today is my daughter’s 10th birthday, and sadly she doesn’t even know I exist”.

He shared that a year after he graduated, he met the woman, and they instantly connected. They got together a few months later and in three months, she got pregnant. “Panicked and feeling totally unprepared to be a husband and father, I asked her to abort the baby. She said we could afford it and insisted on keeping it, and that led to numerous heated arguments that caused the breakdown of our relationship”, he wrote.

“For months I was in denial that this is happening and was so consumed by my own worries and fears, I ended up being absent throughout her pregnancy and decided to break up with her when she was eight months pregnant. She still messaged me on the day she gave birth, saying she wanted me to see and hold our baby because she believed it will change my mind. But I chose to ignore her”, the man added in his post.

A year later, when a mutual friend attended his daughter’s birthday party and told him about the child, he felt guilty and attempted to reconnect with his ex. The woman refused to meet him because she said he had “never been there for her during her toughest days when she needed me the most, and I had never contributed a single cent, what’s the point of letting such a heartless and irresponsible person back into her life now? She said I’m as good as dead, and she and our baby were thriving and happier without me. She then blocked me everywhere”.

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The man wrote that he even went to her parents’ house to find her but they chased him away. He wrote that he recently found out that she was happily married to a rich startup owner and even had a pair of twins with him. “Meanwhile, I’ve been on dating app for years and still haven’t found anyone that compares to her”, he wrote.

“Deep inside I feel perhaps I get bad karma for abandoning my partner and child 10 years ago. Perhaps the universe will never grant me another child and I will die alone, I guess I deserve it. I deeply regretted my decision back then and will live in guilt for the rest of my life. Each year on my daughter’s birthday, I will think of her and cry myself to sleep. How can you miss someone so much when you never even meet them?” the man wrote.

Here’s what netizens who commented on his post said:

At the bottom of his post, he left a note to her because he said she, too, was from NUS, and he hoped she would see it. Here’s what he wrote: “Dear A, I guess by now my apology won’t matter anymore, but I still want to say I’m very sorry. I should never have left you and our daughter and gave up on us. I’m glad you now have a big happy family that you’ve always wanted. I still care for you and our daughter and I really look up to you for being such a capable mother. If our paths ever cross again and we are fated to be together again, maybe in another life, I promise to be a better man for you. Love, S”.