Job security is an issue for most Singaporeans, along with increased fear of recession.

In a post to public Facebook group Umbrage Singapore, a netizen by the name of Brad Lee wrote about his friend’s struggle to find a job. In the post, Mr Lee wrote that when he bumped into his friend who was an “experienced physiotherapist” for 25 years, the latter no longer had a job.

Mr Lee wrote that his friend was no longer hired and had been replaced with foreigners. As a result, Mr Lee’s friend was unemployed for three years and had resorted to doing food deliveries. Mr Lee also wrote that his friend had given up looking for any other jobs.

Earlier this year, comparing two jobs offering a similar salary, another netizen opined that he would much rather work as a security officer than perform an administrative role in an office.

In a Facebook post to popular page Voice Your Grievances, a netizen known by the name of Keyloid Ng wrote: “Office admin jobs are the most useless jobs in sg”.

He explained that the salary was only about S$2,000, but there were many people applying for the job. Should the company post one job vacancy on a website, there would be easily a hundred to five hundred people applying, he wrote.

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“I need to apply 100 to 200 admin jobs and go for 10 to 20 interviews before i may get lucky and get 1 job offer”, Ng said.

He added that even if he did land the administrative job, it would most likely be a stressful one.

Man says he rather work as security officer earning $2K than apply admin jobs at 200 places and attend 20 interviews

On Facebook, a girlfriend also asked if she should leave her boyfriend because he wanted to become a Grab driver and do odd jobs.

The woman asked if she should leave her boyfriend because he wanted to leave his job in a multinational company (MNC).

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers on Thursday (Jul 14), the woman wrote that she and her boyfriend were together for 3 years. She added that her boyfriend worked in an MNC, and she worked in a Small and Medium enterprise (SME), “taking home a decent amount of 3k per month. We just signed contract for our BTO that will be coming in 4 years’ time”.

It is unclear if they were each bringing home $3,000 a month or if their combined income was $3,000.

Girlfriend asks if she should dump her boyfriend because he wants to be a Grab driver and do odd jobs