SINGAPORE: A man took to social media complaining about his manager at work.

Working in a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME), the man wrote: “My manager has a lot on her plate, but is somehow still pretty damn quick at publicly pointing out our mistakes whenever she spots them, some of which weren’t even mistakes to begin with”.

He shared that he sent an email to the client a couple of days prior, requesting for a document and they replied the day after. “however our email host automatically sends a reminder email every 48 hours, which the client naturally replied to as well. Manager just asked me in front of the whole office why I sent the email when they had already sent the document, as though I was the one at fault, without even checking the timestamps first”, he wrote.

He added that she also liked to complain about work to those under her, such as how another department needed to handle a job, or a specific person was incompetent, but she did not do anything to rectify the situation. “I like my job and all, but ngl this can get pretty tiring at times. I’d like to hear if anyone else currently working in a SME has any similar experiences, and how would you handle this?” the man wrote.

Here’s what netizens who commented on the post said:

Earlier this year, a fresh graduate with a degree in marketing was disappointed after working hard for a year only to receive a $50 pay increment.

The anonymous woman wrote to singaporeuncensored stating: “After four long years of hard work and dedication, I had earned my degree in marketing. I was so proud of myself and I had already started to make plans for my life after university”. She added that she felt lucky to land a job right away and was excited to find out that she was getting paid more than she expected.

“However, when it came time for my first salary review, I was a bit taken aback. The only increment I was given was a mere $50, even though I had worked hard for an entire year. I couldn’t believe it. I thought I’d get a better raise after all the effort I had put in”, she wrote. When she asked her boss why she had only gotten a $50 increment, he chalked it up to “company policy” and said that “it was standard practice for the company to only give out small increments to new employees, regardless of how hard they worked”.

Read the full story here:

Fresh grad says that after a year of slogging, she was only given $50 pay increment; boss says it’s “company policy”