Malaysian singer Datuk Seri Siti Nurhaliza just launched a fund to aid frontliners and people affected by the coronavirus outbreak in Malaysia. The initiative is called Dana Peduli, Kemanusiaan, Prihatin (PKP) Siti Nurhaliza. Speaking to Harian Metro, her staff at Siti Nurhaliza Productions has set a goal of RM50,000 in the Peduli category. As of now, RM2,172 has been raised.

The veteran singer said that the set goal will be increased and will go on as the Movement Control Order (MCO) is prolonged and different types of help will be given out. She is confident that everyone can help fight against the pandemic. The initiative is divided into three categories: Peduli (Care), Kemanusiaan (Humanity) and Prihatin (Concern).

Siti Nurhaliza has set up a fund to aid those in need during the coronavirus outbreak. Picture: Instagram

The fund is abbreviated as the Siti Nurhaliza PKP Fund. The Peduli category provides aid for facilities and equipment at hospitals that handle the pandemic. It also provides funds for the preparation of PPE, nose and mouth coverings, gloves and other equipment.

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Individuals and families who have lost their earnings including family members with disabilities or serious illness, will fall under the Kemanusiaan category.

Last but not least is the Prihatin category where for the month of Ramadan and Syawal, aid will be given to the underprivileged and charities. For parties who are interested to know more about the aid, Siti is doing a live broadcast on her official YouTube channel on Sunday, April 19 at 2.30pm.

The songstress will be singing her favourite tunes while viewers can donate by scanning the QR code on YouTube.

Siti is using a Kitafund platform which was formed to help people donate to medical and humanitarian needs via a convenient and transparent online system. Those who want to donate to the initiative can visit the Kitafund site and choose the PKP SitiNurhaliza campaign or search the keyword ‘siti nurhaliza’.