Kuala Lumpur – Amid the rapid increase in Covid-19 cases around the world, one media publication in Malaysia has taken the opportunity to insert an important message in its banner logo.

It may go unnoticed by many readers but if one were to scroll through the malaymail.com website, the media outlet’s logo has changed. In between the words “Malay” and “Mail” is a ruler with the note “1 metre” on top – a reminder for everyone to keep the safe distance of one metre from others to help prevent the spread of the virus.

Here is a close-up of the new masthead:

Photo: Screengrab / malaymail.com


Meanwhile, although the circuit breaker period has begun in Singapore, it appears that not everyone is heeding calls to wear the face mask when going out or to stay home as much as possible. And now, unlike in the past when a warning was issued, those not practising safe distancing will from Sunday (April 12) have their particulars taken down and face a fine of S$300.

Is the circuit breaker failing? Stricter measures needed


See also  Covid-19 isolation bed occupancy at 85%, ‘significant strain’ on healthcare system: MOH