SINGAPORE: An employer took to social media after her helper served her burnt food and tried to pass it off as edible.

In a post to a support group for domestic helpers and employers alike, one woman wrote that she and her maid had a good relationship. However, she shared: “My helper burnt my chicken. The skin and one side of the chicken was burnt. It was black. She left the dish on my table with the side sauce and talked abt random things and then she went away. When I sat to eat, i noticed one small part on the side was burnt. I thought it’s okay to just peel it and eat the rest. When i turned the other side of chicken, it was equally burnt black”. She wrote that she became rather sad and angy, and questioned her helper. “I asked her if the chicken is suitable to be eaten. She said I can remove the burnt part and eat. I’m not sad because the chicken is burnt. I’m so super sad because she didn’t tell me before I start eating. She acted blur. For her, the burnt hard chicken is okay. I feel she is not respecting me. If she does, she wouldn’t do this. I feel so sad”, the employer wrote, asking other helpers and employers in the group for their opinions.

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Netizens who commented on the post urged the employer to practice open communication and to encourage her helper to do so as well. One said: “My view as a helper is that she is wrong that she didn’t mention you about the burnt chicken. As a helper, if something goes wrong with the food I will mention while I served it or even before I serve it. So she can decide to eat it or just order. For you as an employer, you should have talk to her. Let her explain what happen maybe she can do better nxt time. Don’t let your so called good relationship ruined by burnt chicken only. Open communication is the key”.

Another netizen in the group commented: “It’s quite natural that she tries to avoid getting told off by acting blur. I believe she felt bad but pride n embarrassment held her back to just tell u she burnt the chicken. Don’t take it too heart badly since u both hv a good relationship. U can joke with her n tell her if she burnt the chicken again, u wl nag at her for 3 months. It wl be easier if u focus on all the things she didn’t make mistake vs the few mistakes she makes occasionally. I hv a very gd relationship w my helper. Everytime she falls short, I focus on the so many things she did right daily instead of the occasional mistakes she make wh is inevitable bec no one is perfect. If I hv to correct her, I try to make it light n funny so she doesn’t feel stress over it. It’s a win win situation bec I believe happy helper, happy family”.