SINGAPORE: An employer who found her new maid constantly muttering under her breath took to social media complaining because she wanted to know if anything could be done.

In an anonymous post to a support group on social media for domestic helpers and employers alike, a woman said that her new maid was “constantly muttering under her breath when told to do something or when given constructive criticism”.

She added that her maid worked well but seemed to enjoy complaining under her breath about having to work. The woman said her maid also gave off an air of constant annoyance. “Why become a FDW if working annoys you?” she asked.

The woman wrote that she spoke to her maid about her attitude but the latter denied doing it. She asked netizens in the group for advice and added: “Is she just doing this subconsciously? What would you do about it? Just makes me feel uncomfortable when communicating with her as it is just met with muttering complaints”.

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Here’s what others in the group said:

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A foreign domestic helper took to social media after she felt that her employer wanted to transfer her for insignificant reasons.

In her anonymous post to a support group on Facebook, the maid asked other netizens for their opinion on whether her employer’s reason for transferring her was valid. She said her employer would call her names “like STUPID and USE YOUR BRAIN”. She would be scolded for simple reasons “like sometimes forgot minor things which is not on purpose”, she wrote.

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