SINGAPORE: An employer came forward to talk about the schedule she gave her maid but was met with disbelief from netizens.

In an anonymous post to a Facebook support group for helpers and employers alike, the woman asked: “Can I know is it wrong to ask my helper to sleep at 9 pm?”

She explained that she asked her maid to sleep at 9 pm – after a full day of work – to take care of her two babies. “But when they cry at night, she will sleep and feed them at the same time till the milk bottle is not in their mouth. She rather use tik tok until 1 to 2 am. And in the morning, she will want to sleep while taking care of them”, the woman wrote.

Because she knew that taking care of two babies was tiring, she asked her maid to sleep early, she explained. “But she (the maid) kept saying not tired not tired. But when feeding them, she will fall asleep and stuff”, the woman wrote, asking others in the group for advice.

Netizens who commented on the post were incredulous. They asked the woman how she expected her helper to work the entire day and care for the babies at night without sleep.

In the comments section, the employer said that her maid “she usually feed(s) them till the milk bottle is not in their mouth and they will cry!!! And we as an employer need to go in and help!! We are always helping! Come on. It’s our kids how can we not help!”
Following that, a lady who claimed to be the woman’s helper replied.
“why she did not lay down any proof that i am doing tiktok at night? watching tiktok before sleep is wrong?i take care their twins day and night how dare she is to post me here?they are both stay home everyday and she only watching me in camera and watch my every wrong move?did they take their childs at night?no,i am the one who look after them they are just a months twins so imagine how i handle them as one especially when they cried or about to sleep.if they are not happy or satisfied to how i handle their twins then why don’t they send me back to my agent why posting it here for what?next postings like this should not hiding in anonymous name,also don’t forget to mention or tag your helper so that she can share her sise not only your story so its fair!!”, the maid wrote, asking why her employer did not send her back to the agent and resorted to posting online.
The maid also clarified that she did not watch TikTok until late. She explained that she would watch until she fed the twins at 11 pm or midnight. The maid then retorted: “she (her employer) posted how i play TikTok till 2am then why she did not mention that i feed her twins every 2 or 3 hours day and night?”

Earlier this month, an entitled employer was slammed by netizens for wanting her maid to care for her baby even on the helper’s day off.

See also  Maid says her employer takes her phone away and returns it only after work; gives her GIGA card but charges her $10/month

In an anonymous post to an online support group for both helpers and employers alike, the woman wrote that her maid would sleep with her baby daily. She explained that the baby would wake up between 5 am and 6 am and wrote that the maid would finish work at 8 pm.

“But on her off day she request to sleep alone, how to manage?” the employer wrote. The comments section with rife with sarcastic remarks and jibes at the woman. Many said they felt sorry for the maid for having to work with her. Others also asked her why she wanted to have a child when she couldn’t even care for it for one day.

Read the full story here:

Maid sleeps with employer’s baby, employer says on helper’s day off “she request to sleep alone, how to manage?”