Lizard on F1 track

SINGAPORE: In a rather peculiar turn of events, a Reddit user has claimed that a lizard on F1 practice may have met an untimely demise. He said: “Im sorry to tell you, but the lizzard seems to have been run over.”

Most comments said their condolences to the lizard, dubbed with many names. One user said, “RIP Lizzy.. we barely knew ye”, to which another responded, “Shoutout to its family.” Someone even jokingly pointed fingers, claiming, “If you wondering, it was alonso :(”

Another chimed in, “Alonso v. Godzilla 2023.”

A Redditor in the science field commented, “I’m in a herpetology/reptile society in Singapore and we collect data on roadkill reptiles and amphibians. I am totally adding this to our database, anyone know which turn this was at?” Which was answered with, “I think they said turn 9.”

Another commenter added, “Godzilla will come for revenge lmao”, and was answered jokingly with, “Need that ‘I’m in danger’ meme, but for all of Singapore.”

Another user, aware of what followed, humorously noted, “Love how they cleared the yellow flag after someone just run the poor thing over”

See also  “It wouldn't be Singapore without a lizard on track!” — F1 says when another monitor lizard appears at SG Grand Prix... again!

While another was just too stunned to know who let the lizard down, “IT WAS ALONSO!!!”

One joked about disqualifying the one who did it, saying, “Disqualification from the championship to whoever did it /s”

Yet another added to the funny narrative, saying, “Find the driver and get him. We all will suffer Godzilla’s wrath for killing his child now.”

A user even shared a video capturing ‘Lizzy’ or ‘Godzilla’s’ untimely demise, saying, “Checked Alonso onboard since he was ahead of lando when they showed him dead on the broadcast rip :(”

With a weather forecast indicating a ’21 per cent chance of rain’ in S’pore’s F1 race, another noted, “Godzilla about to summon a typhoon in Singapore as retribution.”

The story of ‘Lizzy,’ or if you prefer, ‘Godzilla,’ takes an unexpected turn, much like its appearance on the F1 track.