
A woman confessed on social media that she employs a method bordering on sexual harassment in order to ensure she always gets a seat on the train.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers on Tuesday (Aug 23), the woman titled her entry: “How I always get my seat in train”.

She wrote: “I notice this method makes guys give up their seat. If I am in tights I normally stand close in front of the guy so that he feels uncomfortable and moves off”.

“If I am in dress, I move close enough to let my dress flow over his knees and it is enough for the guy to normally get off his seat”.

The woman probably did not expect netizens to say what they did in the comments, but they had a field day with it. Many suggested that the men in the train probably moved away not so much because of what she wore, but likely because of what she smelt like.

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Here’s what they said:

Jokes aside, according to, “A person does not need to touch or speak to a victim to subject them to sexual harassment. Any obscene act which causes discomfort can be considered harassment, such as exposing one’s genitals, leering at another’s body, making lewd gestures or showing others explicit images. Even an indirect act such as saving a pornographic image as a screensaver on your computer can fall under this category in certain circumstances”.  /TISG