The following is a letter from one of our readers who prefers to remain anonymous.
I am a AFV OPR and still do my national service. Can you imagine what would have happened to me if I had lost any of the vehicles under my command? Even if I escape being charged because it is not my fault, I surely cannot sleep.
But now it has been over 6 weeks since our Terrex ICVs are seized by the Chinese and our Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) has not been able to recover them.
What would any leader do in such a crisis? Will they try their best to recover the vehicles and restore the pride of the country, or go on holiday and pretend like nothing happened at all?
But this is what our leaders are doing. They pretend as if nothing happened and a lot of them are on extravagant holiday.
I don’t begrudge the leaders for taking holidays. They do a very stressful job. But must they take it now? Especially such expensive tours and post about it all over their Facebook?
So many Singaporeans have lost their jobs (don’t have to talk about holidays) and are struggling to take care of their families. Where is their empathy?