Dr Lee Wei Ling – sister of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Mr Lee Hsien Yang – wrote a lengthy post on social media about the number of dogs she had growing up, and how she recently acquired a Shiba Inu puppy.

She wrote, “I had always loved dogs. They make better friends than humans because they never put up a false front”.

Dr Lee shared about the first dog she had, a black male Labrador Retriever.

The anecdote she shared about Nicky, “I had a series of dogs in childhood, a black male Labrador retriever named Nicky. Nicky was excellent at catching mice and rats. One day, I was playfully pulling his leg by shouting “lousui” (rat or mouse in Cantonese). By sheer coincidence, a Gurkha walked pass to change duty. Nicky bit the Gurkha’s leg, the Gurkha immediately reached for his kukri (a knife originating from the Indian subcontinent, associated with the Nepali speaking Gurkhas of Nepal and India. It has a distinct curve in its blade and is used as both a tool and weapon in Nepal and India). Looking at how smartly the Gurkhas dress in their uniforms and highly polished boot, I have no doubt their kukri is well sharpened. I did not even have time to consider any of that, I just pulled Nicky away and apologised. The Gurkha went on to complete guard duty and I doubt Nicky’s bite drew blood. I did not scold Nicky as I was at fault”.

Her next dog was a locally born female black Labrador that was named Wong Cheng by the family’s Cantonese maids.

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This dog was followed by “a timid, Labrador retriever with yellow fur whose most distinctive characteristic was his timidity. He was given away and the subsequent dog was a cocker spaniel”.

She added, “Mama named him Toffee because of the colour of his coat”.

Dr Lee wrote that the last childhood and adolescent canine friend she had was a black Labrador retriever which was born in Scotland.

She said that the black Labrador retriever, Bonnie, died at age 14, when she was training in Boston. “I was heart broken and swore never to have another dog again. That was in 1984”, she wrote.

In 2018, after becoming acquainted with her nephew’s Shiba Inu she went to a breeder.

“At one month old, all the puppies looked like baby bears and it was a tough decision which to choose”. She added that she chose the most active and least suppressible of the litter.
