In the ongoing bitter spat between the children of Lee Kuan Yew, Mr Lee Hsien Yang has released a lawyer letter, raising questions if his brother had abused his position as Prime Minister in the matters relating to the house at Oxley Road.

The letter released was from Mr Lucien Wong, who is now the Attorney-General. Mr Wong was then acting as Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s personal lawyer.

Mr Wong acting for PM Lee questioned the Lees’ Deed of Gift made in favour of National Heritage Board (NHB). Mr Lee said that Mr Wong had on 12 June 2015, written to the siblings of PM Lee demanding the NHB Deed of Gift, but that he wrote another letter hours later on the same date saying: “our client has since received a copy of the Deed of Gift dated 8 June 2015 from NHB.”

The letter from Mr wong questioned the restrictions Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Dr Lee Wei Ling placed on NHB for displaying the items and furnitures from 38 Oxley Road. They required NHB to mention Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s demolition wish when displaying the items given from his house. According to Mr Lee, PM Lee objected to this.

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Questioning if PM Lee obtained the Deed Gift in his public or personal capacity, Mr Lee said: “Did LHL (Lee Hsien Loong) acquire the Deed of Gift in his public capacity, or his private capacity? If in his public capacity, to use this in his personal legal disputes is a clear abuse of authority. If in his private capacity, how can other private citizens go about acquiring confidential deeds of gift from the NHB?”