Well-known local pastor Lawrence Khong has called on Singaporeans to gather and pray for the welfare of Singapore, especially since “natural marriage” and the state of the family is “under attack,” in a recent video promoting PraySingapore 2018.

PraySingapore 2018 is a mass prayer meet organised by a 100-church strong pro-family network LoveSingapore, that is chaired by Khong who also serves as senior pastor of Faith Community Baptist Church.

In the promotional video for the prayer meet, Khong said he hopes over 50,000 people will gather to pray for the welfare of Singapore:

Khong has been noted to be pro-establishment, with his relationship with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong being well-known to many Singaporeans. After all, PM Lee was Khong’s and his wife’s classmate back in the day.

In 2015, Khong was one of the main figures involved in the Jubilee Day of Prayer, which saw 51,000 Christians gathering to pray at the Sports Hub. PM Lee was the guest-of-honour at the event, which preceded the 2015 General Election by just two months.

See also  PM Lee says a good leader must fulfil his duty to his people despite any personal consequences

According to City News, “The highlight of the event for many was the arrival of Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr Lee Hsien Loong. The stadium erupted in deafening cheers of welcome and waving of Singapore flags when he and his wife, Ms Ho Ching, were announced. Mr Lee gamely took a photo of the crowd with his phone when he reached the stage.”

After a speech, in which PM Lee “showed off his knowledge” of the significance of the Jubilee to Christians, City News reports that “everyone rose to their feet and sang Aaronic Benediction (Misha Goetz) in English as a blessing upon the prime minister. This was followed by the recitation of the National Pledge.”

A year later, when PM Lee suffered a brief fainting spell during the National Day Rally speech, Khong wrote online that he is praying for his former classmate and added that PM Lee inspires him:

“Prime Minister Lee, your tenacity, love and commitment to chart Singapore’s destiny is an inspiration to me. Thank you for pouring your heart and soul to bring our homeland to greater heights, and defining what it truly means to be one people, one nation, one Singapore.

“I pray for God’s special protection and covering over you. And may you be filled His renewed strength every morning when you wake, and be blessed with restoration and healing at the end of the day. Know that FCBC, together with Singapore, are upholding you in our prayers.”

Prime Minister Lee, your tenacity, love and commitment to chart Singapore's destiny is an inspiration to me. Thank you…

Posted by Lawrence Khong (FCBC) on Sunday, 21 August 2016